
分类:影视/ /1242 阅读

     Oh how I love David Cronenberg's style... So disconcerting & puzzling. He manages to find these interstices of strange reality, in which he further inserts fantasmagoric elements, without ever obliterating the principle of coherence or tearing apart the suspension of disbelief that has been firmly established. Every scene is calculated with preciseness, every little thing connects, foreshadows, explains, or deepens the plot. Enthralling atmosphere & foreboding music all along, up to the explosive finale and chilling last scene.说实话挺惊喜的,不仅没有范装逼给你一口一个family还有点不习惯(假的)强森和斯坦森之间的化学反应很棒,瑞恩雷诺兹和凯文哈特出来的时候各种精彩.     想想雷奇和雷诺兹刚刚才合作过死侍2这一切都说得通了,凡妮莎.科比挺美的.     (谁之前给我说的有基努里维斯的来着?)剧本倒是挺与时俱进的,权力的游戏大结局都整出来了……

该剧改编自豆瓣阅读小格同名小说.     以医生家属院90一代孩子们的故事展开,讲述了景栖迟、宋丛、陈欢尔、祁琪等一众小伙伴,从16岁起,共同求学、工作、为梦想努力奋斗并追求幸福的关于青春、爱与被爱的复古青春群像故事.     


